Welcome to Blue Skies Cattle Co.
Your Source for Registered Mini Highland Cattle and Myotonic Goats

Welcome to Blue Skies Cattle Co, your trusted ranch for registered mini highland calves and myotonic goats. Our family is committed to raising quality livestock. We take pride in our ranch and are dedicated to providing top-notch care for our animals.

Meet the
Blue Skies Family

Honey Bunny
on their first trailer ride!
Buttercup loves cookies sooooo
much, that if you have one...
she starts drooling!
Love, love, love this girl!

Are you looking
for that perfect
tiny calf?
Da Vinci, our bull
is not only
small but
has a lot of
Are you looking for personality?
We've got it! Meet Shockwave

Miss Puzzle is such a
wonderful mother.
She is diligently cleaning
her newborns.
Miss Holly and Shockwave are best friends and where you find one, most likely the other is not far behind!
Miss Wednesday taking a nap on the back porch

Dutchess with her new chicks out exploring!